Tax Impact and Strategies at Personal Injury Settlement

$30 for MBA members | $50 non-members

The value of settlement for a plaintiff changes drastically based on tax treatment. The opportunity to increase settlement value translates to increased access to justice for plaintiffs, especially for low-income and non-English speaking plaintiffs. This presentation will consider such treatment, considering lawsuits based in discrimination, violations of civil rights, and other personal injuries. We will also identify and discuss the barriers low-income and non-English speakers face in addressing these issues with counsel. Attendees will be equipped with strategies for eliminating those barriers.

Plaintiff lawyers can often add value with minimal changes to settlement agreements. Even when a recovery will avoid tax entirely, changes in settlement language can add value by increasing a plaintiff's ability to deduct future medical expenses. Low-income plaintiffs particularly benefit because they can take advantage of and maintain their lower tax rate. This presentation will introduce lawyers to tax, finance, and malpractice issues that regularly arise in personal injury settlements. Speaker Jeremy Babener is Special Tax Counsel at Lane Powell, President of Structured Consulting, and serves on the legal committees of the three national settlement planning associations.

For more information: Contact the MBA at

Date & Time
Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Remote attendance only via Zoom
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