MBA Commitment to Diversity

The MBA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee works to promote equality in the profession and justice system and identifies ways in which the MBA can promote diversity in the practice of law.

MBA Statement of Diversity Principles

The MBA invites you to sign on to the Statement of Diversity Principles. The statement was adopted by the MBA Board in April 2009. It presents an opportunity for all legal employers - law firms big and small, governments, businesses, nonprofits and everyone else - to publicly acknowledge their commitment to developing the diversity of the legal community in Oregon. The statement is offered as a vehicle to continue and expand upon our conversation about diversity in the bar - diversity as an encompassing idea, important to all of us.

Thank You

Special thanks to Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt and Stoel Rives for their generous donations, which covered the costs of printing and mailing the statement.

Multnomah Bar Association LSAT Preparation Course Scholarship

The Multnomah Bar Association’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee seeks to foster and expand diversity in the Multnomah County legal community and the state of Oregon. To achieve this goal, the MBA EDI committee awards scholarships for LSAT preparation courses to law school applicants whose future involvement in the law will enhance the diversity of our bench and bar.

The application is open to any law school applicant now attending college in the state of Oregon or Vancouver, Washington, or who has other substantial ties to the state of Oregon. Individuals must also demonstrate a commitment to foster and expand diversity and inclusion in the Oregon legal community. 

2024 Application | 2024 Cover Letter
The 2024 scholarship application deadline is Monday, March 18. Applicants should email their completed applications to or send them by regular mail to:
MBA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee/LSAT Scholarship
620 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 1220
Portland, OR  97204
Please feel free to contact the committee at with any questions or concerns. 

MBA Fellows Program

The Multnomah Bar Fellows Program provides financial support, mentoring, and summer internship opportunities in Portland, Oregon to diverse law students attending Lewis & Clark Law School and the University of Oregon School of Law. This program fosters a new generation of excellent lawyers who will enhance the diversity of Multnomah County's legal community. The inaugural class of Multnomah Bar Fellows began law school in the fall of 2018.

Message from Oregon Supreme Court Chief Justice Martha L. Walters

Inclusion and diversity will make our profession more effective, more creative and more just. But we cannot achieve those results without education and commitment. I encourage each of you to learn all you can about the benefits of inclusion and diversity and how to make the significant strides we need. Please consider signing the MBA Statement of Diversity Principles. If we all take meaningful steps in our hiring, retention and promotion practices, and in seeking the elevation of a diverse cadre of lawyers to leadership positions, we will bring more varied perspectives and talents to our communities, to the practice of law and to the administration of justice. Thank you for being true champions for change!


Sign the Pledge

Click here for a printable form. Please send a copy of your signed statement to the MBA. Sign online by filling out the form below.

For correspondence regarding the Statement of Diversity Principles, the following individual should be contacted:

By clicking the submit button you agree to the Multnomah Bar Association Statement of Diversity Principles.

Who has signed the pledge:

The following firms have signed the Statement of Diversity Principles:

Aldrich Law Office PC
Alex West Law
Alice Harman, Attorney at Law
Alterman Law Group PC
Ann L. Fisher Legal & Consulting Services
Baker Law PC
Ball Janik LLP
Barker Martin PS
Barrack Law Firm PC
Barran Liebman LLP
Batchelor Mediation + Arbitration
Bear Wilner-Nugent Atty at Law
Beauvais Law Firm LLC
Bellwether Legal PC
Bennett Hartman LLP
Beovich Walter & Friend
Boise Matthews LLP
Bonneville Power Administration
Brooke Law Office LLC
Buchalter Ater Wynne
Buchanan Angeli Altschul & Sullivan LLP
Bullivant Houser Bailey PC
Campaign for Equal Justice
Cann Lawyers, PC
Carol Vogt Lavine LLC
Chamberlain Mediation Arbitration
Charese Rohny Law Offices, LLC
Clarke Balcom PC
Cooney Cooney & Madigan LLC
Cosgrave Vergeer Kester LLP
Crispin Employment Law PC
D'Amore Law Group
Davis Rothwell Earle & Xochihua, P.C.
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Delta Counsel PC
Denecke Employment Law
Diamond Law
Divorce Shoppe
Dorsay & Easton LLP
Duden Mediation
Dunn Carney LLP
Dwyer Mediation Center
Esler Stephens & Buckley
Evans - Batlan
Farleigh Wada Witt
Fontana & Takaro PC
Foster Garvey PC
Free Lance Investigations & Process Serving
Gardner Trabolsi & Associates
Garrison Law Group LLC
Gaylord Eyerman Bradley PC
Geico Portland Staff Counsel
Gevurtz Menashe PC
Glascock Street Waxler LLP
Gordon Rees LLP
Gresham Family & Bankruptcy Law
Guyer Law
Haglund Kelley LLP
Hala J. Gores, P.C. Injury Law Center
Harrang Long PC
Harris Law Firm PC
Hart Wagner LLP
Hollis K. McMilan, P.C.
ICMresolutions Inc
Jensen & Leiberan PC
Jessica Fair Stevens Investigations
John A. Kodachi, P.C.
John H Beckfield PC
Jon Friedman
Jordan Ramis PC
Justine Fischer, Attorney at Law
Karen L. Zumwalt, Attorney
Karen Stolzberg, Disability Law
Keddis Law Office, LLC
Klarquist Sparkman LLP
Knauerhase Law Office
Kramer & Associates
Kranovich Law LLC
Lana L Traynor LLC
Lane Powell PC
Larkins Vacura Kayser LLP
Law Ofc of David A Snyder LLC
Law Office of Danny Lang
Law Office of Diane E. Gould
Law Office of Gary U Scharff
Law Office of Gregory L. Gudger
Law Office of J. Clay McCaslin
Law Office of Jimmy Namgyal
Law Office of Scott T. Cliff
Law Office of Todd Struble
Law Offices of Alan A Lave LLC
Law Offices of Judy Snyder
Law Offices of Lourdes Sanchez
Law Offices of Miyuki Yoshida
Law Works LLC
Lazenby & Associates
Legal Aid Services of Oregon - Portland Regional Office
Lewis & Clark Law School
Lindsay Hart LLP
Lisa Kenn Family Law LLC
Marandas Sinlapasai Garcia LLC
Marc Sussman PC
Mark C Cogan PC
Markowitz Herbold PC
Matasaru Law PC
McEwen Gisvold LLP
McKanna Bishop Joffe
Megan E Glor Attorneys at Law
Michael R Sandoval, PC
Michael Redden PC
Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP
Mitra Law Group
Multnomah County Circuit Court
Multnomah County District Attorney's Office
Nelson & Nelson
Office of Metro Attorney
OGALLA: The LGBTQ Bar Association of Oregon
Oregon Asian Pacific American Bar Association
Oregon Chapter of the National Bar Association
Oregon Department of Justice
Oregon Education Association
Oregon Health & Science University - Affirmative Action & Equal Opp. Dept.
Oregon Law Center - Portland Office
Oregon Trial Lawyers Association
Oregon Women Lawyers
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
OSB Board of Governors
Pamela Hardy, Attorney at Law
Parker Butte & Lane PC
Parrilli Renison LLC
Paul Norr, Attorney & Counselor at Law
Peggy S Foraker PC
Perkins Coie LLP
Peter L. Fels, PC
Piucci Law Firm
Portland Defender
Portland Public Schools
Portland State University Student Legal Services
Posner Law Firm LLC
Powers & Mark
Renee E Starr LLC
Richardson Wang LLP
Robert G. Burt PC
Roger Hennagin PC
Ronald W Atwood PC
Rose Senders & Bovarnick LLC
Samuels Yoelin Kantor LLP
Sara L Gabin PC
Schroeder Law Offices PC
Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt PC
Shenoa Payne Attorney at Law
Squires Law Office PC
St Andrew Legal Clinic
Staffing Solutions, LLC
Steven D Adler PC
Stoel Rives LLP
Stoll Berne
Sussman Shank LLP
Swider Haver LLP
Synergy Legal Inc
The Immigration Law Office of Bryan McGowan
The Law Ofc of W Scott Phinney
Thomas Coon Newton & Frost
Timothy Bennett PC
Timothy J. Murphy
Tonkon Torp LLP
University of Oregon School of Law
Vangelisti Mediation
Waxler Immigration Law LLC
Westside Family Law
Whipple Law Office LLC
Willamette Univeristy College of Law Career Center
William E. Braun, LLC
Wool Landon
Wyse Kadish LLP
Yates Family Law PC

The following individuals have signed the Statement of Diversity Principles:

Linda Abel
Marc Abrams
Jas Adams
Sarah Adams
Kelvin Adkins-Heljeson
Steven Adler
Hon. Cheryl Albrecht
Hon. Beth Allen
Gertrude Allen
Chris Allnatt
Dean Alterman
Robert Altman
Lisa Amato
Andrea Anderly
Dawn Andrews
Rhonda Antell
Joseph Arellano
Adam Arms
Jessica Asai
John Ashworth
Gina Atwood
Ronald Atwood
Aloysius Auyeung
Robert Axford
Jodie Ayura
Nancy Babka
Craig Bachman
John Bachofner
Jean Back
Aaron Baker
E. Clarke Balcom
Richard Baldwin
Albert Bannon
Catherine Barnard
Richard Baroway
Martin Barrack
Stephanie Barrie
James Bartels
Alice Bartelt
Caylin Barter
David Bartz
Jeffrey Batchelor
Irina Batrakova
Barbara Baughman
David Bean
Danielle Beauvais
Derily Bechthold
John Beck
Lawrence Beck
John Beckfield
Douglas Beckman
Malia Bennett
Timothy Bennett
Christopher Bergstrom
Steven Berman
Beth Bernard
Gary Berne
Kala Bernhardt
Carol Bernick
Melissa Berube
Kawn Beyoud
C. Bradford Biddle
A. Jeffery Bird
Susan Bischoff
Victoria Blachly
Sheila Blackford
A Blake
Harold Blank
Owen Blank
Bryana Blessinger
Jacob Book
Hon. Allison Boomer
Lane Borg
Kimberly Boswell
Duane Bosworth
Ryan Bounds
Carson Bowler
Heather Bowman
William Braun
Kathleen Bricken
Mary Bridge
Catherine Brinkman
Adam Brittle
Candice Broock
Hon. Adrian Brown
Heidi Brown
Thomas Brown
Ingrid Brydolf
Michele Buck-Romero
Kim Buckley
Gillian Bunker
Lawrence Burke
Andrew Burns
Anthony Burrell
Robert Burt
Stephen Bush
Hon. Stephen Bushong
Jesse Buss
Sara Butcher
Diane Cady
Carlos Calandriello
Katherine Caldwell
Carmen Calzacorta
Cristen Campbell
Madeleine Campbell
Michael Campbell
Frederic Cann
Clif Cannon
Patrick Cannon
Donato Capobianco
Brent Carpenter
David Carrasco
Gilbert Carrasco
Russ Carter
Evan Cass
Sara Cassidey
Nancy Chafin
Gregory Chaimov
Tommy Chau
Rosa Chavez
Elleanor Chin
Patricia Chor
Thomas Chow
Melissa Chureau
Lynn Clark
Scott Cliff
Larry Coady
Thomas Coan
Fred Coccodrilli
Mark Cogan
Jonathan Cohen
Michael Cohen
Valerie Colas
Dominic Colletta
Eric Collins
John Connors
Michael Connors
Kristy Cook
Megan Cook
James Coon
Paul Cooney
Abra Cooper
Samantha Copeland
Marisol Cordero-Goodman
Susan Cournoyer
Richard Cowan
Craig Cowley
Meloney Crawford
Maya Crawford Peacock
Garrett Crawshaw
Sarah Creem
Timothy Crippen
Craig Crispin
Carey Critchlow
Sarah Crooks
Hon. Daniel Cross
John Culver
Tim Cunningham
Alice Cuprill-Comas
Shauna Curphey
Douglas Cushing
Francie Cushman
Michelle Da Rosa
Hon. Eric Dahlin
Hon. Kathleen Dailey
Todd Daily
Molly Danielson
Inder Datta
Robert Dayton
Paige De Muniz
Heather Decker
Lainie Decker
Megan Decker
Josh DeCristo
Dallas DeLuca
Anne Denecke
Lori Deveny
Barbara Diamond
Katja Dillmann
Courtney Dippel
Darin Dooley
Craig Dorsay
David Doughman
Elisa Dozono
Alex Duarte
Paul Duden
Susan Dunaway
James Dwyer
Michael Dwyer
C. Marie Eckert
Paul Edison-Lahm
Amy Edwards
Elizabeth Edwards
Katie Eichner
Sarah Einowski
Dan Eller
Cody Elliott
Matthew Ellis
Parker Emerson
Julie Engbloom
Stephanie Engelsman
Nancy Erfle
Kevin Erickson
Jennifer Jill Esmay
Ernest Estes
Kathleen Evans
Sarah Ewing
Jessica Fair Stevens
Scott Farleigh
Omid Farza
Michael Fearl
Sarah Feldman
Peter Fels
Susan Felstiner
Kaley Fendall
Kassim Ferris
Christiane Fife
Karen Fink
James Finn
Justine Fischer
Sonya Fischer
Ann Fisher
Sydney Fitzpatrick
Marielle Florendo
Hon. Meagan Flynn
Peggy Foraker
Cassandra Forbess
Dana Forman
Emily Fox
Ryan Fox-Lee
Hon. Angela Franco Lucero
Lawrence Frank
Jenny Franks
Norma Freitas
Pilar French
Jan Friedman
Jonathan Friedman
Doug Friend
Jon Fritzler
Edward Fu
Hon. Alicia Fuchs
Gregory Fullem
Kellie Furr
Sara Gabin
Alan Galloway
Samantha Gamboa
Frank Garcia
Luis Garcia
Jason Gardner
Ronald Gardner
Paul Garrahan
Russell Garrett
Melissa Garrison
Elise Gautier
Gerry Gaydos
Charley Gee
Joel Geelan
John Clinton Geil
Michael Gelardi
Jill Gelineau
Erika George
James Geringer
Christine Gibert
Kelly Gill
Leigh Gill
Andrew Ginis
Erica Glaser
Richard Glick
Megan Glor
Hwa Go
Steven Goldberg
Monica Goracke
Hala Gores
Leta Gorman
Denise Gorrell
Diane Gould
Kamron Graham
Janet Gravdal
Walter Grebe
Derek Green
Kristin Greene
Michael Greene
Gary Grenley
Kimberly Griffith
Dan Grinfas
John Grothaus
Gregory Gudger
Yesenia Gutierrez
George Guyer
Deborah Guyol
Mark Hackett
Julia Hagan
Douglas Hagen
Damien Hall
Tiffany Hamilton
Todd Hanchett
Sandra Hansberger
Katie Haraguchi
Alisa Hardy
Pamela Hardy
Alice Harman
Edwin Harnden
Stephanie Harper
Ashley Hartmeier-Prigg
Darius Hartwell
Nikki Hatton
Peter Hawkes
Monique Hawthorne
Megan Healey
Amelia Heath
Natalie Hedman
James Hein
Stefan Heller
Roger Hennagin
Hon. Patrick Henry
Tanja Hens
David Hepler
Devra Hermosilla
Monica Herranz
Akira Heshiki
Helen Hierschbiel
Catherine Highet
Susan Hiler
Cashauna Hill
Jeffrey Hill
Hon. Jerry Hodson
Eryn Hoerster
Margaret Hoffmann
Sherilyn Holcombe Waxler
Theressa Hollis
Amber Hollister
Stephanie Holmberg
Therese Holmstrom
Shanelle Honda
Philip Hornik
Lewis Horowitz
Noah Horst
Daniel Housley
Jackson Howa
Christopher Howard
James Howe
William Howe
Charles Hudson
Erika Huebschman
Linda Hughes
Paul Hurd
David Hytowitz
Hon. Karin Immergut
Sam Imperati
Don Jacobs
Melissa Jaffe
Peter Jarvis
Catherine Jedlicka
Brian Jefferson
Kali Jensen
Erious Johnson
Kellie Johnson
Lauren Johnson
M. Westbrook Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Caryn Jones
S. Katherine Joseph
Richard Josephson
Nicholas Kampars
Jennifer Kampsula
Lindsay Kandra
Lisa Kaner
Hon. Henry Kantor
Stephen Kantor
Henry Kaplan
Matthew Kaplan
Nathan Karman
Kevin Kaufman
Lissa Kaufman
Michael Kavanaugh
Leslie Kay
Eric Kearney
James Keddis
Myah Kehoe
Lisa Kenn
Keith Ketterling
Desmond Kidney
Ursula Albertina Kienbaum
Genevieve Kiley
Grace Kimm
Neil Kimmelfield
Brian King
Jan Kitchel
John Klor
Jeffrey Knapp
Karen Knauerhase
Kelly Knivila
John Knowles
Sara Kobak
Anne Koch
John Koch
Ginger Kocurek
John Kodachi
Sandra Kohn
Connie Kong
Kevin Kono
Robert Koury
Bert Krages
Donald Krahmer
Thomas Kranovich
Lory Kraut
John Kroger
Manasi Kumar
Wendell Kusnerus
Timothy LaBadie
Hon. Jerome LaBarre
Dean Land
Wayne Landsverk
Milton Lankton
Jerome Larkin
Christopher Larsen
Eric Larson
Matthew Larson
Steve Larson
Alan Lave
Carol Lavine
Linda Law
Henry Lazenby
Lori Le Cheminant
Stephen Ledoux
Ari Lee
Heather Lee
Richard Lee
Hon. Terry Leggert
Megan Lemire
Benjamin Lenhart
Justin Leonard
Kenneth Lerner
Lisa LeSage
Matthew Levin
Michelle Lewis
Hon. Marilyn Litzenberger
Peter Livingston
Darien Loiselle
Barbara Long
Mark Long
Michael Long
Hon. Angel Lopez
Derrick Louie
Ryan Lowe
Christopher Lundberg
John Lundeen
Kelly Luzania
Jesse Lyon
Jenny Madkour
Laura Maffei
Laura Mahr
Nathan Maki
David Malcolm
Stephen Malm
C. Atha Mansoory
John Marandas
Eva Marcotrigiano
George Mardikes
Charles Marr
Hon. Chris Marshall
Thomas Martin
Paul Martinez
Aruna Masih
Heidi Mason
William Matarazzi
Adina Matasaru
Jeffrey Matson
Audrey Matsumonji
Joseph Mattoon
Ryan Maughn
Jean Kerr Maurer
Clay McCaslin
G Catriona McCracken
Gail McEwen
Maureen McGee
William McGee
Bryan McGowan
Mark McGranaghan
John McGrory
Elizabeth McKanna
Matthew McKean
Connie McKelvey
Kayci McLeod
Cassandra McLeod-Skinner
Timothy McMahan
Hollis McMilan
Molly McQueen
Ann McQuesten
Hon. Michael McShane
Parna Mehrbani
James Meiers
Albert Menashe
Jilma Meneses
Linda Meng
Nancy Mensch
Sharnel Mesirow
Scott Meyer
Beverly Michaelis
Joan-Marie Michelsen
Emily Mikhaiel
Alia Miles
Delaney Miller
Lisa Miller
Michael Miller
Nancy Miller
Peter Miller
William Miller
Chin Ming
Gregory Moawad
Hon. Heidi Moawad
Cynthia Mohiuddin
Clifton Molatore
Jenna Mooney
Mavel Morales
Meghan Moran
Chase Morinaka
Mina Morkas
Keith Mosman
Gregory Mowe
Karen Moynahan
Molly Jo Mullen
Amanda Murphy
Timothy Murphy
Raymond Myers
Kevin Myles
Phylis Myles
Erica Naito-Campbell
Phuntsok Namgyal
Patricia Nation
Banafsheh Nazari
David Nebel
Luella Nelson
Roscoe Nelson
Gretel Ness
Raife Neuman
Martha Neustadt Storie
Francie Nevill
Robert Newell
Todd Newlin
Raven Nocar
Suzanne Noland
Carol Noonan
Brant Norquist
Paul Norr
Darcy Norville
Nicole Nowlin
James O'Connor
Daniel O'Leary
Leslie O'Leary
Shawn O'Neil
Tanya O'Neil
Yumi O'Neil
E. Susan O'Toole
Kathleen OBrien
Heather Oden
Jennifer Oetter
Katelyn Oldham
Edward Olson
Bruce Orr
Hon. Darleen Ortega
Jessica Osborne
John Osburn
Paul Ostroff
Joel Overlund
Olufunmike Owoso
Terrence Pancoast
Margie Paris
Judith Parker
Kristofer Parker
Alan Pasternack
Sujata Patel
Charles Paternoster
Dennis Paterson
Jollee Patterson
Jonathan Patterson
Shenoa Payne
Thomas Peachey
Shari Pearlman (Gregory)
Teresa Pearson
Jennifer Peckham
Amy Pedersen
Ruth Pekelder
Catriona Penfield
Alan Perkins
Lake James Perriguey
Sarah Petersen
Milo Petranovich
Jamie Pfeiffer
Julia Philbrook
Quentin Phillips
W. Scott Phinney
Troy Pickard
Suzanne Pickgrobe
Robert Pike
Brandy Pirtle-Guiney
Mary Pool
Leah Popoff
Michael Porter
Jason Posner
Nancie Potter
Sheila Potter
Claire Poulin
Bruce Powell
Bryan Powell
Kathryn Pratt
Scott Pratt
Steven Prewitt
Charles Pruitt
Helen Pruitt
Holly Puckett
David Rabbino
Sarah Radcliffe
Ronald Ragen
Banurekha Ramachandran
Hollis Ransom
Simeon Rapoport
Mami Raske
Kathleen Rastetter
Hon. Thomas Rastetter
Cheryl Rath
Vicky Razo
Michael Redden
Hon. David Rees
Linly Rees
Tracy Reeve
Christopher Reive
Brent Renison
Ronald Rhodes
James Rice
Bonnie Richardson
Peter Richter
Michael Ritchey
Meagan Robbins
Gary Roberts
Kathryn Roberts
Hon. Leslie Roberts
Annie Robertson
Amy Robinson
Blake Robinson
Glenn Robles
David Rocker
Helle Rode
Victor Roehm
Edie Rogoway
Charese Rohny
Kathryn Root
Adam Rose
Michel Rose
Lois Rosenbaum
Joshua Ross
Elizabeth Rosso
Erica Rothman
Margaret Rowe
Bruce Rubin
Cathryn Ruckle
Maria Ruckwardt
Michelle Rudd
Rebecca Rude
Ross Runkel
Jolie Russo
Kasia Rutledge
Sarah Ryan
Hon. Thomas Ryan
Sheree Rybak
Sharon Rye
Peter Sabido
Jeremy Sacks
Angela Sagalewicz
Jeffrey Sagalewicz
Laura Salerno Owens
Lourdes Sanchez Marte
Michael Sandoval
Jill Sasser
John Sather
Neisha Saxena
Gary Scharff
Dana Scheele
Linda Scher
David Schlachter
Elizabeth Schleuning
Teresa Schmid
Jill Schneider
Douglas Schoen
Michael Schrunk
Jeanette Schuster
Elizabeth Schwartz
Ali Seals
Anne Senters
Peter Sergienko
Mitra Shahri
D Raghav Shanmugasundaram
Ann Sherman
Hon. Scott Shorr
Kathryn Short
Steven Shropshire
Nolan Shutler
Bullie Sibanda
Hon. Gregory Silver
Daniel Simon
Hon. Michael Simon
Shannon Sims
Hon. Kelly Skye
Michelle Slater
Ingrid Slezak
Claire-Elizabeth Sloan
Richard Sly
Adrian Smith
Monica Smith
Thomas Smith
Vicki Smith
Stuart Smucker
Brian Sniffen
David Snyder
Judy Danelle Snyder
Thomas Sondag
Leslie Sorensen-Jolink
Paul Southwick
Marshal Spector
Paul Spencer
Corinna Spencer-Scheurich
Ann Spiegel
Richard Spier
Zachary Spier
Robin Springer
Joshua Stadtler
Mindy Stannard
Renee Starr
Krista Stearns
Robyn Stein
Micah Steinhilb
Pamela Stendahl
Elizabeth Stephens
Michael Stephenson
Bob Steringer
Kristin Sterling
Fay Stetz-Waters
Sylvia Stevens
Milton Stewart
Renee Stineman
Karen Stolzberg
Heidi Strauch
Jonathan Strauhull
Jennifer Street
Elizabeth Amira Streeter
Todd Struble
Hon. Diana Stuart
Aaron Stuckey
Dana Sullivan
Marc Sussman
Hon. Susan Svetkey
Les Swanson
Laura Swartz
Diane Sykes
Alycia Sykora
Andreea Szabo
Martha Takaro
Laura Takasumi
Anne Talcott
Avalyn Taylor
C Kalei Taylor
Hillary Taylor
Jaye Taylor
Katherine Tennyson
Nichole Tennyson
Christina Thacker
Melissa Thaisz
John Thomas
David Thompson
David Thornburgh
Kent Thurber
Geoffrey Tichenor
Kelly Tilden
Yvonne Tingleaf
Hon. Steven Todd
Mark Toledo
Jed Tomkins
Christine Totten
Cozette Tran-Caffee
Lana Traynor
Matthew Trick
Mark Trinchero
Edward Trompke
Hon. Jamie Troy
Kimberly Trujillo
Trung Tu
Kimberly Tucker
Duke Tufty
Lisa Umscheid
Jaimy Urbach
Vanessa Usui
Julie Vacura
Patricia Vallerand
James Van Dyke
Hon. Todd Van Rysselberghe
Walter Van Valkenburg
David Van't Hof
Richard Vangelisti
Joseph VanLeuven
Katherine VanZanten
Aaron Varhola
Valerie Vollmar
Hon. Katharine von Ter Stegge
Ellen Voss
David Wade
James Waggoner
Jennifer Wagner
Elizabeth Wakefield
James Waldron
Carolyn Walker
Frank Wall
Ian Wallace
Hon. Nan Waller
Trish Walsh
Benjamin Walters
Joyce Wan
Chenyu Wang
Jovita Wang
Jennifer Warberg
Laura Warf
Molly Washington
Hon. Ulanda Watkins
Susan Watts
Amy Wayson
Heather Weigler
Julie Weis
Rachel Weisshaar
Alexandra West
Beverly West
Deborah Weston
Simon Whang
Scott Whipple
Eric Wieland
Mark Wilk
Mark Williams
Mary Williams
Charles Williamson
Donald Willis
Bear Wilner-Nugent
Anthony Wilson
Hon. Janice Wilson
Joel Wilson
Dawn Winalski
Eric Skip Winters
Percy Wise
Hon. John Wittmayer
Larry Wobbrock
Heidi Wong
Timothy Wong
Barbara Woodford
Peggy Woodward
Daniel Woram
Deanna Wray
Christopher Wright
Robin Wright
Prof. Theresa Wright
Cheryl Wunder
Hon. Merri Wyatt
Hon. Merri Wyatt
Kyoko Wyse
Scott Wyse
Paul Xochihua
Xin Xu
Masayuki Yamaguchi
Benjamin Ybarra
Emily Yip
Miyuki Yoshida
Hon. Youlee You
Alyson Young
James Young
Raymond Young
Ira Zarov
Devon Zastrow Newman
Daniel Zimberoff
Linda Ziskin
Karen Zumwalt