Defending Criminal Charges and Restraining Orders Simultaneously: Tactics and Tips

$60 for MBA members | $95 non-members 

This CLE is designed to assist Oregon attorneys better understand the interplay between criminal cases and civil restraining orders. Mark Cogan, Richard McBreenBenjamin Scissors and Jeffrey Turnoy of Mark C Cogan PC; and Marshal Spector of Gevurtz Menashe PC will first provide a refresher on the different types of restraining orders in Oregon, the legal standards under each, and quick review of recent changes in the law. We will then provide a conceptual framework for understanding the interplay, and coordination, of both the criminal and civil proceedings. At the core of the presentation is a focus on how best to approach these parallel proceedings to minimize criminal exposure. We will address strategic considerations and practical tools for both civil and criminal defense attorneys, including strategies to avoid common ethical pitfalls. Finally, the CLE will engage participants with scenarios based on actual cases to help understand, in real-world terms, how best to defend a client’s criminal charges and restraining order simultaneously. 

For more information: Contact Mark Barzda, Gevurtz Menashe PC, at 503.227.1515. For registration questions, contact the MBA at


Date & Time
Monday, September 12, 2022, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Remote attendance only via Zoom
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