Fundamentals of a Lost Profit Calculation

$30 for MBA members | $50 non-members

Morones Analytics’ forensic accounting team of Serena Morones, CPA, ASA, ABV, CFE; Jennifer Murphy, CPA, CFF, CFE; Jennifer Prager, CPA, ABV, CFE, CFF, MAFF; and Kevin Marold, CPA, CFE, CFF, ABV, will provide an overview of calculating lost profits. Attendees will learn about the four parts of a lost profits analysis: lost revenues, avoided costs, extraordinary out-of-pocket costs, and interest. The audience will also be provided an overview on the types of financial experts and categories of expert opinions.

For more information: Contact the MBA at

Date & Time
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 11:00am-12:00pm
Remote attendance only via Zoom
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